How Being an Educator Has Changed the Way I Blog About Beauty - WordCamp Singapore 2016

Published on: Monday, 12 September 2016

Speaker: Roxanne Chia

Being an educator has given me a larger and newer audience, most of whom impressionable teenagers between the ages of 17-19. Blogging then has become a role more accountable, and has more far-reaching and in-depth effects than ever before.

A new social responsibility is established and reinforced, and new personal blogging guidelines are aligned with the integrity embodied in the field of education.

About the speaker:

Roxanne Chia is a beauty blogger (2010–present), ex-lecturer, and educator (2011-2016). She has been blogging on WordPress for 6 years and has recently switched to doing it full-time. She constantly seeks out collaboration opportunities, and has international readership from Asia, USA, and Europe.

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Produced by Engineers.SG

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