Dark Side of Collaboration - Agile Singapore Conference 2016

Published on: Monday, 17 October 2016

Speaker: Naresh Jain (@nashjain), Founder @ ConfEngine.com

On Agile teams, collaboration is the way of life. Our leaders want their team members to work closely with each other, have shared goals and even think as one entity. Why? Because we believe that collaboration leads to happier, more productive teams that can build innovative products/services.

It's strange that companies use the word collaboration very tightly with innovation. Collaboration is based on consensus building, which rarely leads to visionary or revolutionary products/services. Innovative/disruptive concepts require people to independently test out divergent ideas without getting caught up in collaborative boardroom meetings.

In this presentation, Naresh Jain explores the scary, unspoken side of collaboration and explains in what context, collaboration can be extremely important; and when it can get in the way or be a total waste of time.

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/zCXwqDWRH3YAjY?feature=oembed

Event Page: http://2016.agilesingapore.org

Produced by Engineers.SG

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