Speaker: Martin Andrews
Martin's current day-job involved processing text - and this talk shows how Deep Learning techniques (word embeddings and recurrent neural networks) can be applied to text. It will include a walk-through of a working Jupyter notebook (which people can follow along with using a VirtualBox Appliance that will be circulated at the event).
Martin Andrews has a PhD in Machine Learning, and has been an Open Source developer since 1999. After a career in finance (based in London and New York), he decided to follow his original passion, and now works on Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence full-time. Martin has given several talks and workshops on Deep Learning over the last 12 months, including FOSSIA, PyConSG, DataScienceSG and at the Fifth Elephant conference (in India).
Slides: http://redcatlabs.com/2017-01-23_PyDataSG_RNNs-for-NLP/
Sample Code: https://github.com/mdda/deep-learning-workshop
Virtual Box Appliance: http://redcatlabs.com/img/deep-learning-workshop_2017-01-23_00-12.ova
(The Jupyter notebooks will appear at http://localhost:8080/ and the password is 'password')
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/PyData-SG/events/235981761/
Produced by Engineers.SG
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