Speaker: Vishnu Rao
We have a lot of Relational & NoSql stores out there and each have their use cases. They differ mostly in the way they store data, and that that has an impact on how we access data and whether our use case is a fit or not.The talk is about giving a simple overview on how they store the data and hence highlight the importance of storage format when choosing a data store.
About the Speaker:
Vishnu - MySQL Enthusiast, Doodle Maker,Tango Lover & fellow coder @ http://dataspark.com. Formerly @ http://www.flipkart.com - India's largest e-commerce. Reachable at https://twitter.com/sweetweet213, https://mash213.wordpress.com, http://linkedin.com/in/213vishnu/
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/PyData-SG/events/235981772/
Produced by Engineers.SG
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