Speaker: Josh Long
Spring 5 is almost here! One of the most exciting introductions in this release is support for reactive programming, building on the Pivotal Reactor project to support message-driven, elastic, resilient and responsive services. Spring 5 integrates an MVC-like component model adapted to support reactive processing and a new type of web endpoint, functional reactive endpoints.
In this talk, we'll look at the net-new Netty-based web runtime, how existing Servlet code can run on the new world, and how to integrate it with existing Spring-stack technologies.
About Josh Long
Josh is the Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 5 books (including O’Reilly’s upcoming Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry) and 3 best-selling video trainings (including Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin)
About Josh Long
Josh is the Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 5 books (including O’Reilly’s upcoming Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry) and 3 best-selling video trainings (including Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin)
Books Written By Josh Long
Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry
Getting Started with Roo
Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Spring Enterprise Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Pro Spring Integration
Recent Articles By Josh Long
The Spring Blog
Josh Long’s Blog
Building “Bootiful” Microservices with Spring Cloud by Josh Long
Recent Interview With Josh Long By InfoQ
Josh Long on Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Microservices
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/Singapore-Cloud-Foundry-Meetup/events/240382324/
Produced by Engineers.SG
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