Speaker: Hannah Yan Han
Delivered to you by our data lead and visualization expert Hannah Yan Han; This talk and hands-on session cover the importance of data visualization as a communication medium, various visual encodings and chart types for constructing a coherent story and include step-by-step demo and hands-on for creating visualization in open source tools, Tableau Public and RStudio.
Please install Tableau Public (https://public.tableau.com/), R(mac or windows) and RStudio desktop (https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download2/) before you arrive. Try your hands on both the Tableau and RStudio at home and install these R packages first (ggplot2, rmarkdown). The code for hands-on session can be downloaded here (http://bit.ly/wwcode_r)
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Code-Singapore/events/239928810/
Produced by Engineers.SG
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