Architecting Australia's Government as a Service - Drupal Developers Network Singapore

Published on: Thursday, 18 June 2015

Speaker: Adam Malone, Solution Architect from Acquia.
Meetup Date: 16 June 2015

Architecting Australia's Government as a Service:
With govCMS, the Government of Australia has made a best in breed Drupal platform available to all departments at a fraction of the cost it would take to do the same solo. By pioneering this solution, govCMS puts a stake in the ground and challenges other governments around the World to create a similar platform for their citizens.

In this session he was discussing:
- The process to take govCMS from an idea to a platform
- The govCMS distribution
- Lessons learned along the way
- Decisions taken to keep govCMS lean yet general
- The benefits this project brings to governments worldwide
- How you can contribute

Link to the presentation slides:


Produced by Engineers.SG

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