Electronics Measurements in One Device: The Open Source PSLab - M. Padmal - FOSSASIA 2018

Published on: Monday, 2 April 2018

Speaker: M. Padmal
Info: https://2018.fossasia.org/event/speakers.html#m-padmal3310

The FOSSASIA PSLab is the first Open Source Pocket Science Lab that can be used through the desktop and phones. The device is entirely Open Hardware, from the design itself, the firmware to the source code of the apps running on the phone. It combines different devices including an Oscilloscope, a voltmeter and several sensors. It is useful for startups, hobbyists and the educational sector. You can measure currents and all kinds of electronic devices and connections with the PSLab. Check your prototypes or do all kinds of electronic experiments. The talk will demonstrate the device and provide insights into the specifics of the device, the functioning and our future plans.

Track: Science Tech
Room: Event Hall 2-2
Date: Saturday, 24th March, 2018

Event Page: http://2018.fossasia.org
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