Creating more value out of your mobile automation tests by Kenneth Poon - Agile Singapore

Published on: Wednesday, 21 November 2018


### Abstract
End to end automation tests have become very popular in the mobile app development space. However, these tests are not easy to write and maintain. In this talk, the speaker will introduce 2 types of integration tests to help mobile development team get faster feedback and showcase the use of BDD in those tests.
- Mobile Contract Tests
- Mock Response Test

Theme: Development Practices & Craftsmanship
Audience Level: Learning

### Agenda
7:00pm - Social and snacks
7:30pm - Talk starts
8:20pm - Q&A

### About Kenneth Poon
Principal Software Engineer at SP Digital. Experienced iOS Developer who enjoys bringing agile software practices to the Mobile Space.

Special thanks to Singapore Power for sponsoring the venue and snacks for this event!

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