Mastering Multi-screen iOS Apps - iOS Conf SG 2019

Published on: Sunday, 20 January 2019

Speaker: Paul Hudson Developer Relations Program Manager, Hacking with Swift

Since launch, almost all iOS apps were designed for a single screen, but with Marzipan on macOS and USB-C monitors on iPad that's finally about to change. In this talk you'll learn how to build apps that work great across multiple windows, first with a walkthrough of all the theory then a live coding demonstration so you can see exactly what the steps are.

About the Speaker

Paul is the author of Hacking with Swift, Pro Swift, Swift Design Patterns, Server-Side Swift, Hacking with macOS, Hacking with watchOS, Hacking with tvOS, Swift Coding Challenges, and more. Suffice it to say, he quite likes Swift. And coffee. (But mostly Swift.) (And coffee.)

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Produced by Engineers.SG
