Architecting Scalable Software Platforms for IoT Applications - ThoughtWorks Talks Tech

Published on: Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Speaker: Archanaa Ravikumar

In this talk, learn how to architect a software platform on the cloud that can support millions of devices. The talk will include some architecture principles that can be used to take decisions at every layer of the architecture (protocol, message type, specs, device constraints, error handling and recovery). This talk will also share some gotchas based on the speaker's experience in designing such a large scale distributed IoT application.


IoT is a fast emerging technology and designing a solution for an IoT ecosystem is quite different from architecting a solution for a web application.

Some aspects that are different and challenging in the IoT ecosystem are high volumes of data, bandwidth, memory and connectivity constraints on the hardware devices, providing connectivity to millions of devices, security of data that is collected, the privacy of user data, troubleshooting, fault tolerance and graceful recovery in a not-always-online ecosystem.

This complexity is only increased multi-fold when such a solution comprises of distributed components that have to be deployed on the cloud.

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Produced by Engineers.SG
Recorded by: Linda Hsu and Yeo Kheng Meng

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