Talk.CSS #31 - SingaporeCSS

Published on: Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Talk.CSS has made it past 30 meetups, it's a little hard to believe our anyhowly ways could sustain us for this long. Let's keep it going.

Latest CSS news by Talk.CSS
Our no-longer-new regular segment which will cover latest updates in the realm of CSS and HTML.

- Chris Lienert
- William Lim

The CSS doctor is in (our segment that never gets utilised)
Layouts looking a bit broken? CSS issues getting you down? We're here to help. Tell us your CSS problem and get a crowd-sourced solution from all the CSS enthusiasts in Singapore right here.

Lightning talks welcome, just poke Chris or Hui Jing when you get there. We welcome any CSS-related topics at ANY level because we’re all here to learn and share :)

Event Page:

Produced by Engineers.SG

Recorded by: Kok Chee Kean

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