A Secure Vault - implementing authorization middleware with Casbin - JuniorDevSG

Published on: Friday, 13 March 2020

Speaker: Christabel Neo

Christabel Neo works as Associate Software Engineer for Open Government Products, GovTech Singapore

Vault.gov.sg is an internal repository for government datasets, that aims to provide public servants with quick and convenient access to confidential data by easing the process of data discovery and retrieval.

The need to protect the privacy of individuals whose data is recorded is an increasingly prominent consideration in the application development process, especially in light of recent data leaks. Authentication and authorization work hand in hand to ensure that only legitimate users can utilise the system, and that their actions are limited to their assigned scope. This talk will discuss how authorization was designed and implemented for Vault through the use of an open-source library Casbin.

Christabel is a software engineer at Open Government Products, GovTech Singapore, where she builds tech for the public good.


Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/Junior-Developers-Singapore/events/269002731/

Produced by Engineers.SG

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