Speaker: Josh Long
== Josh Long
Josh (@starbuxman) has been the first Spring Developer Advocate since 2010. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 6 books (including O'Reilly's Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry and the upcoming Reactive Spring) and numerous best-selling video trainings (including Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin), a podcaster (A Bootiful Podcast) and a screencaster
== Bootiful Azure
Join Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman), for this packed look at taking your bootiful applications to productions with ease. In this talk we'll look at some of the amazing opportunities that await Spring and Microsoft Azure users. We'll begin our journey by looking at Azure Spring Cloud, the platform-as-a-service offering jointly developed and delivered by Microsoft and VMWare and built upon Azure Kubernetes. If you were looking for an easy, turn-key mechanism to get Spring-based applications up-and-running on Azure, then this the way to go. Then, we'll introduce Spring Cloud for Azure, the Spring Boot- and Spring Cloud-ready integrations and APIs that make connecting your applications with Azure-managed infrastructure an absolute breeze.
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/singajug/events/270985596/
Produced by Engineers.SG
Recorded by: Michael
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