Speaker: Charlotte Chan
Identity capital is the collection of personal assets that we assemble over time. Some of these identity capital might go on your resume and others are more personal - such as how we speak, where we are from, how we solve problems, how we look. In today’s keynote, we will explore how to build your personal identity capital, pick up communication skills that are valuable in any organisation and perform even in the midst of a pandemic.
Charlotte currently works at Accenture as a Cloud Consultant, focusing on project management and deployment of cloud infrastructure. She is an ex-Venture Capitalist and is also an active contributor in the technology scene specifically in the angel investment and skills-building (empowerment) space. Her articles on technology and empowerment fetch up to 2000 views on LinkedIn and Medium and have been awarded on Tech in Asia. Outside of work, she enjoys exploring new places for good food and finds comfort in practising yoga.
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/Junior-Developers-Singapore/events/273005631/
Produced by Engineers.SG
Recorded by: Michael