virtualtalk.js - January

Published on: Thursday, 21 January 2021

Trung Vo

Trung is a front-end engineer who creates beautiful, performant web applications with delightful user experiences. Trung's currently with @cakedefi. He has four years of working continuously with Angular and is a community leader @angular Vietnam, a group with more than 13k members. He writes, codes, and talks about Angular. Curious. Not a coffee drinker.

About the talk:
I'll share the development challenge while building Angular Tetris -

- Draw a tetris board and the tetrominos
- Animation/Timer
- Keyboard
- Sounds



🔶 🇸 🔗 Introduction to Svelte actions

Li Hau Tan

Hi, I'm Li Hau. Frontend Engineer at Shopee. I like to create bugs and fix them. Recently I am trying to make YouTube video tutorials. Also, I am currently a maintainer of Svelte, hopefully it meant less bug for Svelte.

About the talk:
I understand that not everyone has tried Svelte, not everyone knows about Svelte. Instead of giving a high-level overview of everything Svelte, I am going to share 1 Svelte feature, and hope that gives everyone a glimpse of Svelte.
