Speaker: Choon Keat (@choonkeat)
1. Introduction to Elm
2. Sum Types
3. Hands on
4. Pure & Functional Programming
5. Hands on
About the speaker : Choon Keat has written software for desktops, TVs, IDEs, mobile devices, IOT, with C, Perl, Java, Ruby (Rails), Javascript, Go, and Elm.He is always keen to share what he thinks is good with others so that they can tell him what's even better. The last good thing he shared was "TDD for those who don't need it": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6oP24CSdUg
Event Page: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/techsavvy-2elm-tickets-137229455997
Produced by Engineers.SG
Recorded by: Michael