COPE CMS "Create Once, Publish Everywhere" - Rasmus Skjoldan - FOSSASIA Summit 2015

Published on: Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Speaker: Rasmus Skjoldan, TYPO3

"COPE" means to Create Once, Publish Everywhere. The concept often accredited to the National Public Radio is having profound impact on organizations' ability to publish content in smarter ways. Yet, this publishing methodology has only reached few clients worldwide. Many still struggle the basic task of keeping content in sync across different channels and platforms. Behind the practical advantages of COPE lies a bigger story. Although the concept has been around since the dawn of digital content, the world is only just awakening to what it truly means. Completely decoupling content and presentation is still a fundamental paradigm shift that we have only seen the beginning of. Adding to the complexity of making COPE setups work well comes the human factor. Mentally grasping that a piece of content will go out to many and unknown output channels is hard for the typical, infrequent CMS editor. We have all yet to design great user interface patterns that help editors understand where content goes and realize what that means for the content production process. The UX Lead of the open source CMS project called Neos will provide insights into both the conceptual side to COPE—and talk about what's needed for CMS editors to work in a software environment where they don't know the exact output channels for their content.

Produced by Engineers.SG
