PCL Cross Platform Images in Xamarin.Forms - Singapore Mobile .NET Developers

Published on: Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Speaker: Udara Alwis

Xamarin Forms allows us to share a single code base among all three platforms. But when it comes to managing Image Resources, Xamarin Forms doesn't provide a unified solution, whereas we have to manage Image Resource individually for each platform natively considering the scalability and multi-resolution support.

Forms9Patch enhances Xamarin Forms to enable multi-resolution image management for iOS and Android. Simply put with Forms9Patch allows you to manage your Image Resources right from your PCL project, which also provides full support for multi-resolution resource handling and automatically takes care of it under the hood.

Event Page: http://www.meetup.com/SingaporeMobileDev/events/231439604/

Produced by Engineers.SG

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