Can code, will generate art - Voxxed Days Singapore 2019

Published on: Saturday, 29 June 2019

Speaker: Purnima Kamath (Women Who Code/YOW!)

Purnima is an engineer, programming Java based web applications and data engineering systems. She is also an amateur generative artist and painter in oils. She is a Director on the Women Who Code network in Singapore and also an evangelist for YOW! Conference in Singapore.

Can code, will generate art.

Generative art (GenArt) or algorithmic art is a process where a programmer in partnership with an autonomous system (in this case a computer) co-create something which is visually pleasing to the human eye.
Well, pleasing atleast to a subset of us!

The notion of using code to create art has been researched since the early 70’s and today is being used to visualise algorithms and data. GenArt is also a popular tool used by people new to the field to get into programming.

During this talk, we will look at some ideas behind creating GenArt and visualise some mathematical concepts like PI or cellular automata. We will also extend GenArt to machine learning and use a neural network to generate something pleasing. We will additionally explore some creative coding ideas for interaction design.

Ultimately, building on the ideas during the talk, experienced or new programmers alike can find the joy of programming by practicing creative coding or GenArt.

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