EventSourcing and CQRS with Lagom Microservice Framework - Singapore Scala Programmers

Published on: Thursday, 18 May 2017

Lagom is Lightbend's reactive micro-service framework, with intuitive and simple abstractions for Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Eventsourcing (ES). By modelling changes in an application as only events, they become the only source of truth. The events are then used for constructing current state of the system (in aggregate root), creating optimized view for querying (read-side) and propagating changes to other systems in asynchronous fashion (message-producer). In this talk, we will survey concepts in CQRS and ES, explain why Lagom might be a good candidate for your next micro-service, and highlight how data consistency within and across micro-services is addressed.

Joo Lee, Lead Engineer @ StashAway
Joo has spent last 8 years in finance industry as a software programmer developing front office trading systems for the investment banks like Macquarie, UBS and Goldman Sachs. He recently joined StashAway with the vision of building the accessible, affordable and yet very powerful computerized asset management platform for investors.

Mick, Engineer @ StashAway
After graduation in 2015, Mick was fortunate to have been mentored and worked with awesome engineers at Redmart. He's now in a small kick-ass team at StashAway, happily coding in Scala, exploring new sets of technologies, and building a great product.

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