Flexible Authorization:Storing and Managing Rules in DB - RedDotRubyConf 2016

Published on: Sunday, 26 June 2016

Speaker: Giovanni Sakti, CEO and Software Developer, Starqle

Many excellent authorization system already exist as gems, however most of them left the implementation detail of storing authorization rules in database up for grabs. Storing them in database is important because it enables end user to configure it by themselves rather than depending on the developers to manage them. Learn how you can effectively store and manage authorization rules on database, effectively utilize policy-based authorization system such as Pundit for this purpose and learn about database design that can handle authorization better.

Speaker's Bio
Gio is software developer from Jakarta, Indonesia whom currently works for two startups; Starqle and Virkea that mostly do enterprise software developments. He also co-organizes local Ruby and Javascript developers community. When not coding, he loves doing sports, such as watching live football and tennis on TV, playing football games on PC and obviously reading fans banter on twitter.

Event Page: http://www.reddotrubyconf.com/

Produced by Engineers.SG

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