Hazelcast night with Rahul Gupta!

Published on: Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Speaker: Rahul Gupta

Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/singajug/events/259816399/

Produced by Engineers.SG

== Speaker
Rahul is based in Australia and works for Hazelcast covering Distributed Systems, largely in in-memory space. He has years of experience in architecting scalable, low latency and high throughput infrastructure.

== Talk: Fast Data Analytics in 2 Simple Steps
Rahul will show how easy it is to add a fast, highly efficient stream-processing engine to a distributed in-memory cache. You will see how to analyse data already in-memory, to pull data from outside and to push results elsewhere.
No fuss coding but blazing fast execution! All Java!

== Sponsors
venue sponsor: SingPower
food sponsor: Hazelcast

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