Learning Through Blogging: Ruby Blogging Benefits - RedDotRubyConf 2016

Published on: Sunday, 26 June 2016

Speaker: Kenji Mori, Software Developer, M3 Inc

Sharing one's own knowledge is very important. I have been writing a blog which is fairly well-known in the Japanese Ruby community, and received many benefits in doing so. Blog-writing supports the accumulation of my own knowledge. Giving presentations provides many opportunities. Sharing ideas with our coworkers provides positive motivation to learn. I would like to talk about my positive experience!

Speaker's Bio
I am Japanese software developer and a passionate Rubyist since 2012 / Ruby 1.9.3. I write a blog which is fairly well-known in the Japanese Ruby community: http://morizyun.github.io/ Recently I sometimes present at local events in Japan, a few of my presentations include: https://speakerdeck.com/morizyun I work at M3, Inc. a Japan-based global company focused on improving medicine in Japan and worldwide, developing services for doctors.

Event Page: http://www.reddotrubyconf.com

Produced by Engineers.SG

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