Olivier Prouvost - Eclipse meetup

Published on: Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Speaker: Olivier Prouvost

Olivier is an Eclipse committer and travels the world to talk about the Eclipse ecosystem.

Eclipse is not only an IDE for developing in Java. It is also an eco-system, managed by a Foundation and providing a lot of different projects that can help you to increase your productivity whatever the project and the programming language you use. This presentation will give you information about the Foundation, and the most important projects you should know for your software tooling or your projects. In particular, it will introduce the OSGi project and how it has been used to provide the powerful Eclipse 4 architecture (RCP). Then I will explain you how the Eclipse Modeling project can help to build your productivity tooling. Namely how you can create meta-models, editors for your models and code generators very easily using the EMF, XText, Xtend and Sirius projects.

So if you are a standalone application developper or a web developper you will discover powerful projects that will help you every day for your future developments.

Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/Eclipse-Singapore/events/237370395/

Produced by Engineers.SG

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