OrientDB - Graph Databases, Multi-Model DBMS and Game Of Thrones - BigData.SG & Hadoop.SG

Published on: Thursday, 9 March 2017

Speaker: Luca Garulli

Luca Garulli is the founder of OrientDB, the first Open Source Distributed Multi-Model DBMS with a Graph Engine. After an introduction of Graph Databases and why they are so great to solve the Big Data complexity, Luca will explain the decision behind the creation of the Multi-Model DBMS and its pros/cons against the more classic Polyglot Persistence approach. At the end of the presentation, there will be a live demo of OrientDB and Game Of Thrones.  Bio  Luca is the Founder and CEO of OrientDB Ltd, the company behind the OrientDB Multi-Model NoSQL Open Source project. He's also the author of Roma Meta Framework project and he contributed to the Sun/Oracle JDO standard as a member of the JSR.

Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/BigData-Hadoop-SG/events/237901602/

Produced by Engineers.SG

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