== Part 1 - Quarkus: what's behind the "supersonic subatomic" tagline by Emmanuel Bernard
Microservices, rapid scalability & high density deployment platforms like Kubernetes require apps with low memory usage and fast boot time. Java had been the outsider due to its focus on throughput at the expense of CPU & RAM. No more. Enter Quarkus, a microservices Java stack bringing your favorite libs (Hibernate, vert.x, Camel, RESTEasy ...) to GraalVM and HotSpot with low memory usage and fast boot time. Enough to swim in containers like fish in water.
In this session we will discuss the Why, What and How of Quarkus.
== Part 2 - Microservices with Quarkus live demo by Antonio Goncalves
Enough slides! Now it's time to develop a resilient microservice architecture using Quarkus and MicroProfile. In only few minutes I'll bootstrap a few microservices, thanks to Quarkus Maven plugin, and make them talk to each other using REST as well as Reactive Messages. Finally I'll build native executables, thanks to GraalVM, and package them into Docker images. All that in less than 30 minutes! Do you wanna bet?
== Speakers: Emmanuel Bernard and Antonio Goncalves
Emmanuel Bernard is Java Champion, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect Data at Red Hat (middleware). His work is Open Source. He is most well known for his contributions and leadership of the Hibernate projects as well as his contribution to Java standards.
His most recent endeavor is Quarkus (A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for GraalVM & OpenJDK HotSpot, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards).
Antonio Goncalves is a senior developer living in Paris. He evolved in the Java EE landscape for a while and then moved on to Spring, Micronaut and Quarkus. From distributed systems to microservices, today he helps his customers to develop the architecture that suits them the best.
Aside from freelancing, Antonio wrote a few books (Java EE and Quarkus), talks at international conferences (Devoxx, JavaOne, GeeCon…), writes technical papers and articles and co-presents on the Technical French podcast Les Cast Codeurs. He has co-created the Paris JUG, Voxxed Microservices and Devoxx France. For all his work for the community he has been made Java Champion ten years ago.
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/singajug/events/275054202/
Produced by Engineers.SG
Recorded by: Michael Cheng