Speaker: Keith Chia
As developers, we live, breathe, and die a little bit on the internet. We write code and behave in ways that both consume and add to the internet. So it’s not a bad idea to be aware of how healthy the internet is, and its effect on the people that use it. What does that mean? Is the internet in 2018 healthy for us as individuals, or as a society, or for humanity as a whole? Is it safe, open, welcoming, and shared?
Inspired by Mozilla’s Internet Health Report, we’ll talk a little bit about our responsibilities as creators of technologies, the issues of technology ethics and design at scale, and frameworks that we can consider utilising as internet users of the 21st century.
About the speaker
Keith is a UX-designer-turned-developer who is currently a consultant at Maltem Consulting Group. His past stints include development, QA engineering and design work at startups and large corporations alike. Fascinated by the crossroads of culture and technology, he constantly questions the cycle of causes and effects that make up our relationship with technology.
Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/Junior-Developers-Singapore/events/256113422/
Produced by Engineers.SG
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